06-24 Site PlanSITE PLANCAR CREDIT NATION EXPANSIONFREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATax MAP 76 (A) 4SITE PLAN # 06-24TITLE SHEET 1PROJECTLOCATIONSCALE 1" = 500'CALL BEFORE YOU DIG103 HEATH COURTWINCHESTER, VA 22602V 540.686.7373 F 540.301.1100STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCPREPARED BYCALL 811 FROM YOU CELL PHONE OR1-800-552-7001 FROM A LAND LINE.SECTION 56-265.17 OF THE CODE OF VA REQUIRES THATYOU PROVIDE THREE WORKING DAYS NOTICE TO UTILITYOWNERS BEFORE YOU EXCAVATE, DRILL OR BAST.APPROVED BY FREDERICK COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATORPLAN VALID FOR FIVE YEARS FROM APPROVAL DATEDATELOCAL UTILITY SERVICE PROVIDERSWATER AND SEWERFREDERICK WATER315 TASKER RDSTEPHENS CITY, VA 22655540.868.1061ELECTRIC SERVICERAPPAHANNOCK ELEC COOP137 Kelly CourtFront Royal, VA 22630540-622-2001TELEPHONE SERVICEVERIZON404 HILLANDALE LANEWINCHESTER, VA 22602540.665.3153CABLE SERVICECOMCAST COMMUNICATIONS195 RAINVILLE ROADWINCHESTER, VA 22602DEVELOPERCar Credit Nation, Inc.1467 Front Royal PikeWinchester, VA 22602Phone (540) 323-7555LAND OWNER1467, LLCPO Box 1414Winchester, VA 22604Phone (540) 323-7555ENGINEERStowe Engineering, PLC103 Heath CourtWinchester, VA 22655Phone (540) 686-7373DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24 GENERAL NOTES 2GENERAL NOTES1.The contractor shall furnish all material, labor and equipment and perform all work to deliver the completed improvements shown orimplied as necessary for the completed project ready for use, inclusive of all site restoration and stabilization. Unless otherwisenoted, specifications for all work to be in accordance with applicable the Virginia Department of Transportation, the VirginiaDepartment of Environmental Quality, American Water Works Association standards, and Frederick Water Standards and Specifications.2. All construction shall comply with the latest U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), andVirginia Occupational Safety & Health (VOSHA) rules and regulations.3. The contractor shall comply with title 59.1, chapter 30 section 406, et. seq. of the code of Virginia (overhead high voltage lines safetyact).4. The contractor shall comply with title 56, chapter 10.3, section 265, et. seq. of the code of Virginia (underground utility damageprevention act).5. Access for emergency and utility maintenance vehicles shall be maintained. Access to the business shall be maintained.6. The placement of a construction trailer, fencing, parking, and staging areas shall be coordinated with and approved by the propertyowner and developer.7. The contractor shall be responsible for hiring a surveyor to provide construction surveying stake out.8. The owner shall be responsible for hiring a testing firm to provide all earthwork and compaction testing.9. The engineer has attempted to show all subsurface utilities, however, such may exist that are not shown. The contractor shallexercise care in this work so as to avoid damage to any utilities. Any damage shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Thecontractor shall notify Miss Utility of Virginia at least 72 hours prior to digging.10. All disturbed surfaces shall be restored to the pre-construction condition by the contractor at the contractor's expense.11. The Contractor shall ensure adequate drainage is achieved and maintained on the site during and at the end of construction.12. Any unusual subsurface conditions (e.g., unsuitable soils, springs, sinkholes, voids, caves, etc.) encountered during the course ofconstruction shall be immediately brought to the attention of the engineer. Work shall cease in that vicinity until an adequate designcan be determined by the engineer and approved.13. All fill areas, borrow material and undercut areas shall be inspected and approved by a the soils testing firm prior to placement andfill.14. All surfaces and slopes shall provide positive drainage away from the building, septic system, and parking areas15. All fill areas, borrow material, footers, and undercut areas shall be inspected and approved by a the geotechnical engineer prior toplacement of fill, aggregate, or concrete.16. All subgrade material and backfill in the utility/storm sewer trenches, shall be placed and compacted in accordance with therequirements in the geotechnical report. Density tests shall be performed by the soils testing firm.17. Existing structures, tanks, and other existing features designated to be removed or demolished shall be carefully removed and disposed ofat an approved waste disposal site.DRAINAGE NOTES1. "H" Dimensions and top elevations shown on the plans are measured from the invert out to the top of the structure. "H" dimensionsand top elevations are approximate and are provided for estimating purposes. Actual dimensions shall be determined by thecontractor from field conditions.2. All drainage structures shall meet the requirements of VDOT road and bridge standards and VDOT specifications. see details in thisplan set.3. All structures shall have vdot standard invert shaping IS-1. see detail in this plan set.4. All storm drainage pipe materials shall be as shown on the profiles.GRADING NOTES1. All excavation is unclassified.2.Materials - The material to be used in embankments shall be free of frozen or organic materials such as leaves, roots, grass, weeds,and all other material not consistent with construction of a stable, homogeneous fill. Embankments shall not be constructed onfrozen ground. All proposed fill materials should be approved by the geotechnical engineer prior to placement, and representativesamples should be obtained one week prior to placement of that material to allow time for completion of the necessary laboratorytests.3.Site Preparation - All vegetation, rootmat, topsoil, asphalt and concrete shall be removed from areas upon which embankment willbe constructed. Clearing shall extend ten (10) feet beyond the building and pavement limits, and one additional foot for each foot ofproposed fill. Topsoil shall be stockpiled as required by the e&s plan. All sloping areas upon which fill is to be placed should bebenched or “notched” so that a smooth interface between existing ground and new fill will not be present. Each layer of fill shouldbe benched into the existing ground a minimum of 3 feet horizontally and the depth of one fill layer. Flat areas upon which fill is to beplaced shall be deeply plowed to allow for bonding with the existing material. the controlled fill slopes and embankments should beconstructed at the designed 2h:1v slopes or flatter.4.Formation in Layers - All fill layers shall be constructed with materials and methods prescribed in the geotechnical report. Any soilplaced as engineered fill should be an approved material, free of organic matter or debris. unacceptable engineered fill materialsinclude topsoil, organic materials (oh, ol), construction debris and large rock. all such materials removed during grading operationsshould be either stockpiled for later use in landscaped areas or placed in approved disposal areas either on or off site. All frozen soilshould be removed prior to continuation of fill operations. Borrow fill shall not contain frozen materials at the time of placement. Allfrost-heaved soil should be removed prior to placement of fill, stone, concrete or asphalt. It is recommended that processed shotrock be utilized as fill within the upper five (5) feet of finish subgrade to provide a weather resilient construction area which can beutilized to reduce concrete slab, pavement section thickness, or foundation size. The site contractor shall have means of providingwater at all times during structural fill placement.5. As the embankment is consolidated, the slopes shall be carefully dressed to the desired section and maintained to their properheight, dimensions, and shape until the work is accepted. When transporting material with rubber-tired equipment, care shall betaken to see that the trailing units do not follow in the tracks of the preceding unit. At the end of each day's work the embankmentshall be dressed to shed any water that might fall during the night.6. All blasting operations shall be performed in accordance with the Fire Marshall's requirements. The contractor shall protect theexisting buildings, cars, site utilities and overhead power lines from fly rock and its associated damage.7. If karst features such as caves, disappearing streams, or large springs are encountered during the project, contact Wil Ondorff of VADCR (540-394-2552) to document and minimize adverse impacts.WATER & SEWER NOTES1. Water and sewer on the site has been provided by an on site private well and on site septic system. The well and septic system are tobe abandoned in accordance with the requirements of the VA Dept of Environmental Quality and the VA Dept of Health. See notes onsheet 6.SIGN NOTES1. No new signs are proposedOUTDOOR LIGHTING NOTES1. Outdoor lighting will be installed in accordance with Frederick County requirements and these plans.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES1. This project increases the impervious area of the site. stormwater quality will be mitigated through the purchase of nutrient credits from a DEQapproved source. stormwater quantity will be managed with onsite systems.Virginia Department of TransportationStaunton DistrictRev. June 19, 2013 VDOT General NotesV1.All work on this project shall conform to the current editions of and latest revisions to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specificationsand Standards, the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, and any other applicable state, federal or local regulations. In case of a discrepancy or conflictbetween the Standards or Specifications and Regulations, the most stringent shall govern.V2.All construction shall comply with the latest U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Virginia Occupational Safety & Health(VOSH) Rules and Regulations.V3.When working within VDOT right-of-way, all traffic control, whether permanent or temporary, shall be in accordance with the current edition of VDOT's Work AreaProtection Manual. A transportation management plan needs to be submitted for approval and land use permit issued prior to any execution of work within the VDOT rightof way.V4 The developer shall be responsible for relocating, at his expense, any and all utilities, including traffic signal poles, junction boxes, controllers, etc., owned by VDOT orprivate / public utility companies. It is the sole responsibility of the developer to locate and identify utility facilities or items that may be in conflict with the proposedconstruction activity. VDOT approval of these plans does not indemnify the developer from this responsibility.V5.Design features relating to field construction, regulations, and control or safety of traffic may be subject to change as deemed necessary by VDOT. Any additional expenseincurred as a result of any field revision shall be the responsibility of the developer.V6.If required by the local VDOT Land Development Office, a pre-construction conference shall be arranged and held by the engineer and/or developer with the attendance ofthe contractor (s), various County agencies, utility companies and VDOT prior to initiation of work.V7.The contractor shall notify the local VDOT Land Development Office when work is to begin or cease for any undetermined length of time. VDOT requires and shall receive48 hours advance notice prior to any required or requested inspection.V8. The contractor shall notify the Traffic Operations Center at (540) 332-9500 for any traffic control plan that impacts a VDOT maintained Interstate or Primary roadway toprovide notification of the installation and removal of the work zone.V9.The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a VDOT permitted temporary construction entrance(s) in accordance with Section 3.02 of the Virginia Erosion andSediment Control Handbook. Furthermore, access to other properties affected by this project shall be maintained through construction.V10.Contractor shall ensure adequate drainage is achieved and maintained on the site during and at the end of construction.V11. All water and sewer lines within existing or proposed VDOT right-of-way shall have a minimum thirty-six (36) inches cover and when possible shall be installed underroadway drainage facilities at conflict points.V12.Any unusual subsurface conditions (e.g., unsuitable soils, springs, sinkholes, voids, caves, etc.) encountered during the course of construction shall be immediately brought tothe attention of the engineer and VDOT. Work shall cease in that vicinity until an adequate design can be determined by the engineer and approved by VDOT.V13.All fill areas, borrow material and undercut areas shall be inspected and approved by a VDOT representative prior to placement of fill. A VDOT representative shall bepresent to insure the soil sample(s) obtained for CBR's is representative of the location. When soil samples are submitted to private laboratories for testing, the samples shallbe clearly identified and labeled as belonging to a project to be accepted by VDOT and that testing shall be performed in accordance with all applicable VDOT standards andprocedures.V14.All roadway fill, base, subgrade material, and backfill in utility/storm sewer trenches shall be compacted in accordance with the lift thicknesses, density and moisturerequirements as specified in the current VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Certified copies of test reports shall be submitted to VDOT daily, unless specified otherwise.V15.VDOT Standard CD and UD underdrains shall be installed where indicated on these plans and/or as specified by VDOT.V16. A post installation visual/video camera inspection shall be conducted by the Contractor on all pipes identified on the plans as storm sewer pipe and a select number of pipeculverts. For pipe culverts, a minimum of one pipe installation for each size of each material type will be inspected or ten percent of the total amount for each size andmaterial type summarized. All pipe installations on the plans not identified as storm sewer pipe shall be considered as culvert pipe for inspection purposes. Additionaltesting may be required as directed by the Area Land Use Engineer or their representative.V17.The installation of any entrances and mailboxes within any dedicated street right-of-way shall meet VDOT minimum design standards and is the responsibility of thedeveloper.V18.Prior to VDOT acceptance of any streets, all required street signage and/or pavement markings shall be installed by the developer in accordance with the Manual On UniformTraffic Control Devices.V19.The developer shall provide the VDOT Land Development Office with a list of all material sources prior to the start of construction. Copies of all invoices for materialsutilized within any dedicated street right-of-way must be provided to the local VDOT Land Development Office prior to acceptance of the work. Unit and total prices maybe obscured.V20.Aggregate base and subbase materials shall be placed on subgrade by means of a mechanical spreader. Density will be determined using the density control strip inaccordance with Section 304 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications and VTM-10. A certified compaction technician shall perform these tests. Certified copies of testreports shall be submitted to VDOT daily, unless specified otherwise. In addition to checking stone depths, a VDOT representative shall be notified and given the opportunityto be present during the construction and testing of the density control strip.V21.Asphalt concrete pavements shall be placed in accordance with Section 315 of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Density shall be determined using the densitycontrol strip as specified in Section 315 and VTM-76. A certified compaction technician shall perform these tests. Certified copies of test reports shall be submitted to VDOTdaily, unless specified otherwise. A VDOT representative shall be notified and given the opportunity to be present during the construction and testing of the control strip.V22.In accordance with Section 302.03, the foundations for pipe culverts thirty-six (36) inches and larger shall be explored below the bottom of the excavation to determine thetype and condition of the foundation. The contractor shall report findings of foundation exploration to the engineer and VDOT for approval prior to placing pipe. Foundationdesigns shall comply with VDOT Road and Bridge Standard PB-1. Where soft, yielding, or otherwise unsuitable foundation is encountered, the foundation design and/orneed for foundation stabilization shall be determined by the engineer and approved by VDOT.V23.VDOT Standard Guardrail shall be installed where warranted and/or as proposed on these plans in accordance with VDOT's installation criteria. Final approval of theguardrail layout to be given by VDOT after grading is mostly complete.V24.Approval of these plans shall expire five (5) years from the date of the approval letter.V25.VDOT Standard CG-12 Curb Ramps shall be installed where indicated on these plans and/or as specified by VDOT.V26.The foundations for all box culverts shall be investigated by means of exploratory borings advanced below proposed foundation elevation to determine the type and conditionof the foundation. The contractor shall submit copies of borehole logs and report findings of foundation exploration to the engineer and VDOT for approval prior toconstructing box. Foundation designs shall comply with VDOT Road and Bridge Standard PB-1. Contrary to the Standard, where rock is encountered and cast-in-place box isproposed, the thickness of bedding shall be six (6) inches. Where soft, yielding, or otherwise unsuitable foundation is encountered, the foundation design and/or need forfoundation stabilization shall be determined by the engineer and approved by VDOT.DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24 SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, ROADS & LAND USES 3FRONT ROYAL PIPK - ROUTE 522 JUSTES DRIVEDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24 PROPERTY BOUNDARY & PROFFERS 4DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24 EXISTINGSEPTICEX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B2FRAME SHEDU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCENOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24EXISTING CONDITIONS03060 5 EXISTINGSEPTICEX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B2EXISTINGHOUSE TO BEDEMOLISHEDEXISTING TREETBREXISTING SEPTICSYSTEM TO BEDECOMMISSIONED. SEENOTES THIS SHEETEXISTING SHED TOBE DEMOLISHEDEXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTING TREETBREXISTING WELLTO BEABANDONED.SEE NOTESTHIS SHEETEXISTING CONC. CURB& GUTTER TO BEREMOVEDFRAME SHEDU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTING PVMTTBREXISTING CG-6TBREXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCENOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24DEMOLITION PLAN03060 6SEPTIC SYSTEM ABANDONMENTThe septic system will no longer be used and shall be decommissioned in accordance with therequirements of the VA Dept of Environmental Quality and the VA Dept of Health.1. Uncover the tank and distribution boxes, and remove the lids2. Pump out any remaining liquid.3. Fill the tank and boxes with sand, gravel or concrete.4. Place the lid back on the tank and boxes and seal shut.5. Replace the soil over the tank and boxes.WELL ABANDONMENTThe well on the development site shall be abandoned. Well abandonment is governed jointly by the Department of EnvironmentalQuality and the Department of Health, and shall be performed by a licensed well driller.The abandonment of any private well shall beadministered by the Department of Health. The objective of proper permanent abandonment is to prevent contamination fromreaching ground water resources via the well in the following manner:1. All casing material may be salvaged.2. Before the well is plugged, it shall be checked from land surface to the entire depth of the well to ascertain freedom fromobstructions that may interfere with plugging (sealing) operations.3. The well shall be thoroughly chlorinated prior to plugging (sealing).4. Bored wells and uncased wells shall be backfilled with clean fill to the water level. A two-foot-thick bentonite plug shall be placedimmediately above the water level. Clean fill shall be placed on top of the bentonite plug and brought up to at least five feet from theground surface. The top five feet of the well casing, if present, shall be removed from the bore hole. If an open annular space ispresent around the well casing, the annular space shall be filled with grout to the maximum depth possible, but less than or equal to20 feet. A one-foot-thick cement or bentonite grout plug that completely fills the bore void space shall be placed a minimum of fivefeet from the ground surface. The remaining space shall be filled with clean fill which is mounded a minimum of one foot above thesurrounding ground surface. Bored wells or uncased wells abandoned in this manner shall be treated as wells with respect todetermining the minimum separation distance to sources of contamination listed in Table 3.1. The location of these wells shall bepermanently marked for future location.5. Wells constructed in collapsing material shall be completely filled with grout or clay slurry by introduction through a pipe initiallyextending to the bottom of the well. Such pipe shall be raised, but remain submerged in grout, as the well is filled.6. Wells constructed in consolidated rock formations or which penetrate zones of consolidated rock may be filled with sand or gravelopposite the zones of consolidated rock. The top of the sand or gravel fill shall be at least five feet below the top of the consolidatedrock and at least 20 feet below land surface. The remainder of the well shall be filled with grout or clay slurry.1 25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFEREX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATER MNGT AREAVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGEPROVIDE 5' CL A1RIPRAP FLUME(TYP)EX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINED12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)VEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEX1 X2 11 10 PROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGECG-2 (typ)CG-6 (typ)PROVIDE 6" HIGHEARTHEN BERM TODIRECT RUNOFF TOINLETU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'FUTURE MULTIUSE TRAIL (TYP)CG-12 (see details sheet 8B)360' to existing church entrance550' to Justes Dr (signalized)275' to existingprivate entranceEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCE36.75'43'25' RSEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 810' Multi-use Trail50' RNOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDASHED AREA TOBE MILLED 1.5" ANDOVERLAID WITH 1.5"OF SM-9.5A+50 0+00 +50 1+00 +50 2+00705710715720725730735705710715720725730735718.47722.59722.43725.16 +50 0+00 +50 1+00 +50 2+00705710715720725730735705710715720725730735718.47722.59722.43725.16 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24SITE PLAN03060 7ENTRANCE PROFILECROSS SECTION 100' SOUTHOF ENTRANCE CENTERLINE1,21,2 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24SITE AND VDOT DETAILS 8PAVEMENT SECTIONn.t.s.2" SM-12.5A ASPHALT8" - 21B AGGREGATECOMPACTED SUBGRADENOTES1. JOINTS WHERE NEW PAVEMENT ABUTS EXISTING PAVEMENTSHALL BE SAW CUT TO PROVIDE A SMOOTH STRAIGHT EDGE.2. A 10' WIDE STRIP OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT ADJACENT TOTHE JOINT SHALL BE MILLED TO A DEPTH EQUAL TO THETHICKNESS OF THE SURFACE COURSE, AND THE NEWSURFACE COURSE SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THIS MILLEDAREA.RIGHT TURN LANE EVALUATIONPAVEMENT DESIGNNO TURNLANE ORTAPERREQUIRED15717WORK AREA PROTECTIONWORK IN VDOT RIGHT OF WAY TO COMPLY WITH THEVIRGINIA WORK AREA PROTECTION MANUAL, 2011 ED.1TRAIL PAVEMENT SECTIONn.t.s.2" SM-9.5A ASPHALT4" - 21B AGGREGATECOMPACTED SUBGRADE2% MAX2' GRADEDSHOULDER @ 6:1 3.5'EYEOBJECT3.5' OBJECT 3.5'+50 -7+00 +50 -6+00 +50 -5+00 +50 -4+00 +50 -3+00 +50 -2+00 +50 -1+00 +50 0+00 +50 1+00 +50 2+00 +50 3+00 +50 4+00 +50 5+00 +50 6+00 +50 7+00 +50700705710715720725730735740700705710715720725730735740724.40 723.92 723.26 722.63 723.14 722.64 722.84 722.97 721.72 720.72 SIGHT DIST LEFT - 690'SIGHT DIST RIGHT - 730'JUSTES DR TRAFFIC SIGNAL 25' ACTIVE BUFFER EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'STORMWATERMNGT AREAVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACED-M EX 12" WATER580' TO EX HYDRANT12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)VEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEFRAMESHEDU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESight Dist min 730'Sight Dist min 730'36.75'43'25' RSEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 850' RNOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24SIGHT DISTANCE DIAGRAMS 8A050100 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24VDOT DETAILS 8B2 EX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATER MNGT AREA LOD12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)X1 X2 11 10U.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDASHED AREA TOBE MILLED 1.5" ANDOVERLAID WITH 1.5"OF SM-9.5AVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W WEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24GRADING PLAN03060 91,301020 CG-12 AND MULTI-USE TRAIL GRADINGENLARGEMENT2 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE 10Erosion and Sediment Control NarrativeProject DescriptionThis project consists of removing an existing single family home and constructing expanded outdoor display and storage areas for vehicles. 0.96acres of land will be disturbed with the construction of this project.Date of ConstructionConstruction is planned to begin the 1st quarter of 2024 and end in the 3rd quarter of 2024.Existing Site ConditionsThe site is currently Car Credit Nation auto dealership store.Adjacent PropertyThe project is located in Frederick County along Front Royal Pike (Route 522), just south of the intersection with Paper Mill Road.Offsite AreasThere are no planned off-site borrow or disposal areas associated with this project.SoilsFor the project area, generalized soils data contained on the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Web Soil Survey shows the projectarea with 24% Berks channery silt loam with 3-8% slopes, and 76% Clearbrook channery silt loam, 2 to 7% slopes.GeologyNo rock outcrops or karst features were observed.Critical Erosion AreasAreas where concentrated stormwater is discharging will be critical.Erosion and Sediment Control MeasuresUnless otherwise indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintained according tominimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. The minimum standards of the handbook shall beadhered to unless otherwise waived or approved by a variance.CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVEThe work shall generally be carried out in the following sequence:PHASE 11. Hold pre-construction meeting on-site with the inspector. The Frederick County inspector shall have 48 hours notice to schedule an on-sitepre-construction inspection following the issuance of a land disturbance permit. The certified responsible land disturber must attend thepre-construction meeting2. Install the construction entrance. Temporary Construction Entrance (3.02) installed at the entrance to the site to minimize mud carried ontothe roadway.3. Install tree protection (3.38) around the tree to be preserved.4. Clearing and grubbing for sediment control and sediment trapping devices only. Silt Fence Barrier (3.05) or temporary diversion dikes (3.09)are to be installed down-slope of work areas and around the on-site stockpile area to filter sediment-laden runoff from sheet flow asindicated on the plans.5. Construct and/or place sediment trapping and sediment control devices.PHASE 21. Clear and grub the remainder of the site. Topsoil that is to be used in the final grading of grassed areas shall be stripped and stockpiled on sitefor later use. The excess topsoil shall be removed and disposed of by the contractor. All stockpiles shall be stabilized with seeding andsurrounded with silt fence.2. Rough grade the site.3. Storm drain structures and pipe shall be installed. Inlet protection (3.07) shall be installed as shown on the plans around inlets to filtersediment-laden runoff. The area shall be stabilized upon completion of grading.5. Final grading.6. Top Soiling (3.30) and Surface Roughening (3.29) shall be applied to all areas that will be seeded.7. Permanent Seeding (3.32) shall be applied as soon as the grading operations are completed.8. Remove erosion and sediment control measures within 30 days from when they are no longer needed and with approval of the inspector.Vegetative PracticesTemporary seeding (3.31) soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after the final grading is complete on any portionof the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormantfor longer than 30 days, but less than one year. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than oneyear.Stockpile areas shall be surrounded with silt fence and protected by mulch and/or temporary seeding immediately after grading.Diversion dike and temporary sediment trap embankments shall be compacted by machine, seeded and mulched (hay mulch or straw) fortemporary and/or permanent vegetative cover immediately after construction.Vegetative stabilization shall be uniform, mature enough to survive, and adequate to inhibit erosion. Any areas not meeting these requirementsshall be reseeded.Management PracticesConstruction will be carried out so that grading operations can begin and end as quickly as possible.Sediment trapping measures will be installed as the first step in grading. These measures will be seeded and mulched immediately followinginstallation.Temporary seeding or other stabilization will follow immediately after grading. Areas which are not to be disturbed will be clearly marked by flags,signs, etc. The job superintendent shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all erosion and sediment control practices.Maintenance of these measures throughout the project is critical to the effectiveness of the program. Devices listed herein are considered to beminimum erosion and sediment controls. Addition E&S measures may be necessary due to contractor phasing or other unforeseen conditions. It isthe contractor's responsibility to provide measures in addition to those shown in order to control erosion and contain sediment on the site. Allmeasures shall be installed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. After achieving adequate stabilization, thetemporary E&S controls will be cleaned up and removed.Permanent StabilizationAll areas disturbed by construction shall be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. Seeding shall be done withKentucky 31 Tall Fescue according to Std. & Spec. 3.32, PERMANENT SEEDING, of the handbook. Mulch (straw or fiber) will be installed over fillslopes which have been brought to final grade and have been seeded to protect the slopes from hill and gully erosion and to allow the seed togerminate properly will be used on relatively flat areas. In all seeding operations, seed, fertilizer, and lime will be applied before mulching.STORMWATER MANAGEMENTThis project does increase the impervious area of the site. A stormwater management system will be constructed to manage stormwater runoff.MAINTENANCEIn general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked daily and after each rainfall event. The following items are to be checked:1. The gravel construction entrance shall be checked regularly for sediment buildup which will prevent drainage. If the gravel is clogged bysediment, it shall be removed and cleaned or replaced.2. The silt fence shall be checked after each storm event. Silt shall be cleaned out and repairs made when needed.3. The seeded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas should be fertilized and reseeded as needed.4. The contractor shall be responsible for keeping all roads and travel ways, both public and private, clean of all dust and mud at all times.5. All downstream properties and waterways shall be provided adequate protection from erosion and sediment deposition.SEEDING SCHEDULE1. All permanent seeding shall be in accordance with section 3.32 of the VESCH.2. On non-rock surfaces, spread topsoil at a minimum depth of four inches.3. Incorporate pulverized agricultural lime into the soil at a rate of 92 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. (2 tons per acre).4. Fertilize with 10-10-10 fertilizer at a rate of 23 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. (1000 lbs. per acre).5. Seed all areas with a seed mix consisting of 67% Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue and 33% Red Top Clover.6. Mulch all seeded areas with straw mulch applied at a rate of 3,500 lbs. per acre anchored with cutback or emulsified asphalt applied at a rateof 200 gallons per acre.DUST CONTROL1. Temporary seeding shall be applied to all disturbed areas subject to little or no construction traffic.2. All haul roads and other heavy traffic routes shall be sprinkled with water until the surface is wet. This process shall be repeated as needed tocontrol dust.MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL STANDARDS9VAC25-840-40. Minimum standards.A VESCP must be consistent with the following criteria, techniques and methods:1. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site.Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than14 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year.2. During construction of the project, soil stock piles and borrow areas shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. Theapplicant is responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as borrow areas and soilintentionally transported from the project site.3. A permanent vegetative cover shall be established on denuded areas not otherwise permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation shall not beconsidered established until a ground cover is achieved that is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion.4. Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step inany land-disturbing activity and shall be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place.5. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation.6. Sediment traps and sediment basins shall be designed and constructed based upon the total drainage area to be served by the trap or basin.a. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment trap shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area and the trap shall only control drainage areasless than three acres.b. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by asediment basin. The minimum storage capacity of a sediment basin shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area. The outfall system shall, at aminimum, maintain the structural integrity of the basin during a 25-year storm of 24-hour duration. Runoff coefficients used in runoff calculations shallcorrespond to a bare earth condition or those conditions expected to exist while the sediment basin is utilized.7. Cut and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively withinone year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected.8. Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained within an adequate temporary or permanent channel, flume or slopedrain structure.9. Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided.10. All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment-laden water cannot enter the conveyancesystem without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment.11. Before newly constructed stormwater conveyance channels or pipes are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporaryor permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel.12. When work in a live watercourse is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize thework area to the greatest extent possible during construction. Nonerodible material shall be used for the construction of causeways and cofferdams.Earthen fill may be used for these structures if armored by nonerodible cover materials.13. When a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles more than twice in any six-month period, a temporary vehicular stream crossingconstructed of nonerodible material shall be provided.14. All applicable federal, state and local requirements pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met.15. The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized immediately after work in the watercourse is completed.16. Underground utility lines shall be installed in accordance with the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria:a. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time.b. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trenches.c. Effluent from dewatering operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a mannerthat does not adversely affect flowing streams or off-site property.d. Material used for backfilling trenches shall be properly compacted in order to minimize erosion and promote stabilization.e. Restabilization shall be accomplished in accordance with this chapter.f. Applicable safety requirements shall be complied with.17. Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved or public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment byvehicular tracking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is transported onto a paved or public road surface, the road surface shall be cleanedthoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposalarea. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual development lots as well asto larger land-disturbing activities.18. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measuresare no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the VESCP authority. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the dispositionof temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation.19. Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from sediment deposition, erosion and damage due to increasesin volume, velocity and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff for the stated frequency storm of 24-hour duration in accordance with the followingstandards and criteria. Stream restoration and relocation projects that incorporate natural channel design concepts are not man-made channels and shallbe exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels:a. Concentrated stormwater runoff leaving a development site shall be discharged directly into an adequate natural or man-made receiving channel,pipe or storm sewer system. For those sites where runoff is discharged into a pipe or pipe system, downstream stability analyses at the outfall of thepipe or pipe system shall be performed.b. Adequacy of all channels and pipes shall be verified in the following manner:(1) The applicant shall demonstrate that the total drainage area to the point of analysis within the channel is one hundred times greater than thecontributing drainage area of the project in question; or(2)(a) Natural channels shall be analyzed by the use of a two-year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop channel banks nor cause erosionof channel bed or banks.(a)All previously constructed man-made channels shall be analyzed by the use of a ten-year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop itsbanks and by the use of a two-year storm to demonstrate that stormwater will not cause erosion of channel bed or banks; and(b) Pipes and storm sewer systems shall be analyzed by the use of a ten-year storm to verify that stormwater will be contained within the pipe orsystem.c. If existing natural receiving channels or previously constructed man-made channels or pipes are not adequate, the applicant shall:(1) Improve the channels to a condition where a ten-year storm will not overtop the banks and a two-year storm will not cause erosion tochannel the bed or banks; or(2) Improve the pipe or pipe system to a condition where the ten-year storm is contained within the appurtenances;(3) Develop a site design that will not cause the pre-development peak runoff rate from a two- year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into anatural channel or will not cause the pre- development peak runoff rate from a ten-year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a man- madechannel; or provide a combination of channel improvement, stormwater detention or other measures which is satisfactory to the VESCP authority toprevent downstream erosion.d. The applicant shall provide evidence of permission to make the improvements.e. All hydrologic analyses shall be based on the existing watershed characteristics and the ultimate development condition of the subject project.f. If the applicant chooses an option that includes stormwater detention, he shall obtain approval from the VESCP of a plan for maintenance of thedetention facilities. The plan shall set forth the maintenance requirements of the facility and the person responsible for performing the maintenance.g. Outfall from a detention facility shall be discharged to a receiving channel, and energy dissipators shall be placed at the outfall of all detentionfacilities as necessary to provide a stabilized transition from the facility to the receiving channel.h. All on-site channels must be verified to be adequate.i. Increased volumes of sheet flows that may cause erosion or sedimentation on adjacent property shall be diverted to a stable outlet, adequatechannel, pipe or pipe system, or to a detention facility.j. In applying these stormwater management criteria, individual lots or parcels in a residential, commercial or industrial development shall not beconsidered to be separate development projects. Instead, the development, as a whole, shall be considered to be a single development project.Hydrologic parameters that reflect the ultimate development condition shall be used in all engineering calculations.k. All measures used to protect properties and waterways shall be employed in a manner which minimizes impacts on the physical, chemical andbiological integrity of rivers, streams and other waters of the state.Any plan approved prior to July 1, 2014, that provides for stormwater management that addresses any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements fornatural or man-made channels shall satisfy the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man-made channels if the practices aredesigned to (i) detain the water quality volume and to release it over 48 hours; (ii) detain and release over a 24-hour period the expected rainfallresulting from the one year, 24- hour storm; and (iii) reduce the allowable peak flow rate resulting from the 1.5, 2, and 10-year, 24-hour storms to alevel that is less than or equal to the peak flow rate from the site assuming it was in a good forested condition, achieved through multiplication of theforested peak flow rate by a reduction factor that is equal to the runoff volume from the site when it was in a good forested condition divided by therunoff volume from the site in its proposed condition, and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural orman-made channels as defined in any regulations promulgated pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:54 or 62.1- 44.15:65 of the Act.l. For plans approved on and after July 1, 2014, the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements of § 62.1-44.15:52 A of the Act and this subsectionshall be satisfied by compliance with water quantity requirements in the Stormwater Management Act (§62.1-44.15:24 et seq. of the Code of Virginia)and attendant regulations, unless such land-disturbing activities are in accordance with 9VAC25-870-48 of the Virginia Stormwater ManagementProgram (VSMP) Permit Regulations.m. Compliance with the water quantity minimum standards set out in 9VAC25-870-66 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) PermitRegulations shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Minimum Standard 19. EX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B2STORMWATER MNGT AREACEXXX XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSF SFSFSBOUTLET ANDSPILLWAYPROTECTION CL 1RIPRAPIPOPOPLODBCX1 X2 11 10 X XXTPFRAME SHEDU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCENOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24PHASE 1 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN03060 11E&S LEGENDCEConstruction EntranceCIPCulvert Inlet Protection FILTREXSBSediment BasinSFSilt FenceRRRip RapCDCheck Dam IPInlet ProtectionTOTop SoilingTSTemporary SeedingPSPermanent Seeding EX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B2STORMWATER MNGT AREAPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGEPROVIDE 5' CL A1RIPRAP FLUME(TYP)CEXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XSF SFSFSBOUTLET ANDSPILLWAYPROTECTION CL 1RIPRAPSRTSPSSRTSPSSRTSPSIPOPOPLODEX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINEDBCX1 X2 11 10 PROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGEX XXTPCG-2 (typ)CG-6 (typ)PROVIDE 6" HIGHEARTHEN BERM TODIRECT RUNOFF TOINLETU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'CG-12 (see details sheet 8B)360' to existing church entrance550' to Justes Dr (signalized)275' to existingprivate entranceEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 810' Multi-use TrailNOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/240306012PHASE 2 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN E&S LEGENDCEConstruction EntranceCIPCulvert Inlet Protection FILTREXSBSediment BasinSFSilt FenceRRRip RapCDCheck Dam IPInlet ProtectionTOTop SoilingTSTemporary SeedingPSPermanent Seeding DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS 13 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS 14 25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFEREX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B2STORMWATER MNGT AREA 1.0 2.0 5.0" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)X1 X2 11 10U.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24OUTDOOR LIGHTING PLAN03060 15OUTDOOR LIGHTING NOTES1. ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED, SHIELDED, AIMED, LOCATED ANDMAINTAINED TO SHIELD ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND TO NOT PRODUCE GLARE ONTO ADJACENTPROPERTIES OR ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY. PARKING LOT FIXTURES AND LIGHT FIXTURES ON BUILDINGSSHALL BE FULL-CUTOFF FIXTURES.2. LIGHT FIXTURES, INCLUDING MOUNTING BASE, SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 25 FEET IN HEIGHT ABOVEFINISHED GRADE. HEIGHT NEEDED FOR SECURITY.3. LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE OF PAVED AREAS WHERE POSSIBLE. WHERE LIGHTFXTURES ARE TO BE PLACED IN PAVED AREAS THEY SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH BOLLARDS ON FOURSIDES.4. ALL LIGHTING SHALL BE ORIENTED SO NOT TO PRODUCE DIRECT GLARE OR EXCESSIVEILLUMINATION ONTO STREETS IN A MANNER THAT MAY DISTRACT OR INTERFERE WITH THE VISION OFDRIVERS.5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE CIRCUIT PLAN TO POWER THE LIGHTS.Luminaire ScheduleSymbolQtyLabelArrangement6PRV-C40-D-UNV-T4-BZ 180SIDE-SIDECalculation SummaryUnitsAvgMaxFc2.457.71 DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24OUTDOOR LIGHT DETAILS 16 25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFEREX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATER MNGT AREAVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACED-MEX 12" WATER580' TO EX HYDRANT12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)VEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEX1 X2 11 10U.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24LIFE SAFETY PLAN03060 17NOPARKINGFIRE LANENOPARKINGFIRE LANENOPARKINGFIRE LANENOPARKINGFIRE LANE 25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFEREX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATER MNGT AREAVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEEX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINEDU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24PLANTING PLAN03060 18GENERAL PLANTING NOTES1. THE LANDSCAPING WILL CONFORM TO SECTION 165-203.01 OF THE FREDERICK COUNTYZONING ORDINANCE.2. SUBSTITUTION OF LANDSCAPE MATERIALS MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THEFREDERICK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT.3. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FAMILIARIZING HIMSELF WITH ALLOTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK.4. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE SUBGRADES 4" BELOW HARD SURFACESPLUS/MINUS .1 FOOT.5. LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FREE OF DEBRIS AND ROCKS LARGER THAN 3"IN ANY DIRECTION.6. TOPSOIL WITH A MINIMUM OF 30% ORGANIC CONTENT SHALL BE PLACED AT A MINIMUMDEPTH OF 4" IN LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREAS.7. TOPSOIL SHALL BE TILLED INTO THE EXISTING SUBGRADE TO ELIMINATE SOILINTERFACE PROBLEMS.8. ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTING AREAS RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 2" MEDIUM-FINE BARKMULCH.9. ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM TO THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OFNURSERYMEN, STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK, LATEST EDITION.10. PLANT SPECIES SUBSTITUTIONS ARE DISCOURAGED. IF PLANT AVAILABILITY IS APROBLEM, CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER FOR ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVES.11. IF THE SITE WORK IS DIFFERENT OR MODIFIED FROM WHAT IS DEPICTED ON THELANDSCAPE PLAN, OR POOR SOIL AND/OR DEBRIS ARE ENCOUNTERED, REQUIRINGCHANGES TO THE LANDSCAPE PLAN, CONTACT THE LANDSCAPE DESIGNER FORINSTRUCTION.12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND WATER PLANT MATERIAL UNTIL OWNER'S FINALACCEPTANCE.13. FIELD ADJUST THE LOCATION OF TREES AND SHRUBS TO AVOID CONFLICT WITHLOCATION OF ANY UTILITIES. CONTACT LANDSCAPE DESIGNER IF PROBLEMS AREENCOUNTERED.14. NEW LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL NEED TO BE WATERED FOR THE FIRST ONE TO TWOGROWING SEASONS TO ESTABLISH PLANTINGS.15. LANDSCAPIG SHALL NOT BE PLANTED WITHIN FREDERICK WATER EASEMENTS.2"x2" WOOD STAKE ATOR BELOW GRADEFINISH GRADEWIDE NYLON WEBBINGROOT CROWN TO BE AT FINISHGRADE OR 1-2" ABOVE GRADETILLED OR BROKEN UP SOILMIN 12" DEEP2" SETTLED LAYER OF MULCH1/3 TREEHEIGHT2X WIDTH OFROOTBALLPLAN VIEWSTAKE120°GUY WIRETREE TRUNKPLANTING DETAILS1 STORMWATERMNGT AREA AREA-BOff-Site area to by-passthrough existing stormAREA-ADA=1.400 Ac.CN=72Tc.=5.0 min.25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFEREXISTINGSEPTICEX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATERMNGT AREAEXISTINGHOUSE TO BEDEMOLISHEDEXISTING TREETBREXISTING SEPTICSYSTEM TO BEDECOMMISSIONED. SEENOTES THIS SHEETEXISTING SHED TOBE DEMOLISHEDEXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTING TREETBREXISTING WELLTO BEABANDONED.SEE NOTESTHIS SHEETVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGEPROVIDE 5' CL A1RIPRAP FLUME(TYP)CEXX X X X XSFSFSFSBOUTLET ANDSPILLWAYPROTECTION CL 1RIPRAPSRTSPSSRTSPSSRTSPSIPOPOPD-M0. 12" WATER580' TO EX HYDRANTLODEX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINED12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)VEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGETPCG-2 (typ)CG-6 (typ)EX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINEDEXISTING CONC. CURB& GUTTER TO BEREMOVEDPROVIDE 6" HIGHEARTHEN BERM TODIRECT RUNOFF TOINLETMULTI-LEVELSTUCCO BUILDING ONE STORYMETAL BUILDINGU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55'S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTING PVMTTBRFUTURE MULTIUSE TRAIL (TYP)EXISTING CG-6TBRCG-12 (see details sheet 8B)360' to existing church entrance550' to Justes Dr (signalized)275' to existingprivate entranceEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESight Dist min 730'Sight Dist min 730'-5+00-4+00-3+00-2+00-1+000+001+002+003+000+00 1+00 1+5036.75'43'25' RSEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 810' Multi-use Trail50' RNOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYMULTI-LEVELSTUCCO BUILDING ONE STORYMETAL BUILDINGU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55'S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYSTORMWATER MNGT AREA LOD12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)X1 X2 11 10 AREA-A1DA=1.442 Ac. CN=90Tc=5.0 Min. AREA-A2Un-DetainedDA=0.057 Ac. CN=71Tc=5.0 Min.25' INACTIVE BUFFER25' ACTIVE BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFER10' PARKING BUFFEREXISTINGSEPTICEX. 1 STORY SHOPAREA = 4025 SFHEIGHT = 16'EX. 1 STORY AUTO SALESAREA = 10,696 SFHEIGHT = 26'CAR CREDIT NATIONParcel ID 76 A 4Area = 3.96 acZoning = B214' SLIDINGGATE6' CHAIN LINKFENCE WITHPRIVACY SLATSSTORMWATER MNGT AREAEXISTINGHOUSE TO BEDEMOLISHEDEXISTING TREETBREXISTING SEPTICSYSTEM TO BEDECOMMISSIONED. SEENOTES THIS SHEETEXISTING SHED TOBE DEMOLISHEDEXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTINGFENCE TBREXISTING TREETBREXISTING WELLTO BEABANDONED.SEE NOTESTHIS SHEETVEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGEPROVIDE 5' CL A1RIPRAP FLUME(TYP)CEXX X X X XSF SFSFSBOUTLET ANDSPILLWAYPROTECTION CL 1RIPRAPSRTSPSSRTSPSSRTSPSIPOPOPD-M0. 1.0 2.0 5.0 12" WATER580' TO EX HYDRANTLODEX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINED12" HATCHING@ 4' O.C. (TYP)VEHICLE DISPLAY AREAPAVED SURFACEPROVIDE 3'OPENING IN CURBFOR DRAINAGETPCG-2 (typ)CG-6 (typ)EX. 26" TREE TO BEPROTECTED ANDRETAINEDEXISTING CONC. CURB& GUTTER TO BEREMOVEDPROVIDE 6" HIGHEARTHEN BERM TODIRECT RUNOFF TOINLETMULTI-LEVELSTUCCO BUILDING ONE STORYMETAL BUILDINGU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'EXISTING PVMTTBRFUTURE MULTIUSE TRAIL (TYP)EXISTING CG-6TBRCG-12 (see details sheet 8B)360' to existing church entrance550' to Justes Dr (signalized)275' to existingprivate entranceEXISTINGCOMMERCIALENTRANCESight Dist min 730'Sight Dist min 730'-5+00-4+00-3+00-2+00-1+000+001+002+003+000+00 1+00 1+50 36.75'43'25' RSEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 810' Multi-use Trail50' RNOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYMULTI-LEVELSTUCCO BUILDING ONE STORYMETAL BUILDINGU.S. ROUTE 522FRONT ROYAL PIKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R/W)SPEED LIMIT - 55 MPHSCHOOL ZONE VAR SPEED LIMIT - 40 MPH2022 AADT = 13,577FUNCTIONAL CLASS - MINOR ARTERIALWWWWWWN 79°33'15" E 391.00'S 05°46'45" E110.99'S 05°52'44" E186.50'S 05°56'50" E157.40'235.55' S 83°39'29" W134.20'N 05°26'34" W181.97'N 05°28'13" W110.78'N 05°28'13" WS 83°39'29" W 157.40'SEE VDOT DETAILWP-2, SHT 8NOTE: THE PAVING SECTION IN THE ENTRANCEIS TO MATCH THE ADJACENT ROADWAYRIP-RAPEMER SPILLWAYELEV = 718.00TOP ELEV717.50CHANGEORIFICE PLATETO 3" OPENINGFOR PERM SWMSTORM WATER MANAGEMENT PONDOUTLET STRUCTURERIP-RAPEMER SPILLWAYELEV = 718.00TOP ELEV717.50CHANGEORIFICE PLATETO 3" OPENINGFOR PERM SWMSTORM WATER MANAGEMENT PONDOUTLET STRUCTUREDATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24STORMWATER COMPUTATIONS 0100200190100200PRE-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREAS AND LAND COVERPOST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREAS AND LAND COVERSTORM WATER NARRATIVE:DRAINAGE AREAOVERALL RUNOFF ANALYSIS (QUANTITY)QUALITY ANALYSISALLOWABLE DISCHARGE COMPUTATIONROUTING DIAGRAM DATE:SCALE:CHECKED BY:SHEET OF 20Car Credit Nation LOT 76 (A) 4 SHAWNEE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FREDERICK COUNTY, VIRGINIATSS1260.0103 Heath Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 686-7373 fax (540) 301-1100TSSAS SHOWNFeb 2, 2024PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN BY:STOWE ENGINEERING, PLCTimothy S. Stowe2/7/24STORMWATER 1 YR STORM COMPUTATIONS 20