39-23 Comments 107 North Kent Street, Second Floor, Suite 200 • Winchester, Virginia 22601-5000 December 6, 2023 Mr. Peter Lazarevich, P.E. Gordon 4501 Daly Drive Suite 200 Chantilly, Virginia 20151 RE: Revised Site Plan Comments – One Logistics Landbay 3 Frederick County, Virginia Dear Mr. Lazarevich: Upon review of the revised site plan dated November 2, 2023, we recommend approval of the subject plan. Please be advised that a draft SWM/BMP maintenance agreement with exhibits (A and C) and receipt of nutrient credit purchase (2.30 lbs) will be required with the land disturbance application (7.01 acres disturbed). Sincerely, Ryan Dougall Joe C. Wilder Civil Engineer Director of Public Works DEQ DCA #0667 DEQ DCA #0200 JCW/rzd cc: Planning and Development file No further road names required at this time. Address will be issued upon the application for a building permit. 9/11/23 9/13/23 No 9/13/23 Ethan R. Homesley 40 REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN COMMENTS Winchester Regional Airport Comment Hand deliver to: 491 Airport Road (Rt. 645 off of Rt. 522 South) Winchester, Virginia 22602 Mail to: Winchester Regional Airport Attn: Executive Director 491 Airport Road Winchester, Virginia 22602 Phone: (540) 662-5786 Applicant's Name: _____________________________ Telephone: __________________ Email Address: ______________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Name of development and description of the request: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of Property: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Airport Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant: It is your responsibility to complete this form as accurately as possible in order to assist the agency with their review. Please attach one (1) copy of the Site Plan with this sheet. -AIRPORT USE ONLY- Date Received ____________ Review Number 1 2 3 4 5 (circle one) Date Reviewed ____________ Revision Required _________ Date Approved ________________ Signature & Date: _________________________________________________________ ** Please Return Form to Applicant** From:Spielman, Joseph (VDOT) To:Peter Lazarevich; Chris Giangi Cc:Funkhouser, Rhonda (VDOT); Johnson, Joseph (VDOT) Subject:One Logistics Park Landbay 3 Site Plan Date:Thursday, February 29, 2024 11:03:21 AM Attachments:Outlook-j02guvq0.png Pete, A VDOT review of the submission has been conducted for One Logistics Park Landbay 3 Site Plan, signature dated December 7, 2023. Based on the review of the Drawings, all of the previous VDOT comments have been addressed and the Site Plan is approved by our office. Please ensure that all applicable agencies have the most recent set of approved Drawings. We offer the following general comments: · Our review and comments are general in nature. Should details be overlooked during plan review or conditions in the field exist such that additional measures are warranted, such measures shall be completed to the satisfaction of the department. · Materials used and methods of construction shall adhere to the current observed VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, Road and Bridge Standards, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and Land Use Permit Special Provisions. · A preconstruction conference shall be held by the engineer and/or the developer with the attendance of the contractor, various County agencies, utility companies, and VDOT prior to initiation of work. · All drainage is to be carried within the right-of-way in ditch lines or gutters along the street to a pipe or drainage easement. · Any construction related changes to the approved plan must come through the design engineer to VDOT for approval. Please allow a minimum of 5 business days for VDOT review. · A Land Use Permit shall be obtained before any work is performed on the State’s right-of-way. The permit is issued by this office and may require application fees, the salary & expenses of a State assigned inspector, and surety bond coverage. · Please submit one electronic copy of the plans to this office for file and permitting.   If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Sincerely,     Joseph Ryan Spielman  Land Development Engineer / Edinburg Residency  Virginia Department of Transportation  540-535-1829  joseph.spielman@vdot.virginia.gov FREDERICK WATER SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PO Box 1877, Winchester, VA 22604-8377 540.868.1061 voice 315 Tasker Road, Stephens City, VA 22655 540.868.1429 fax Project Applicant REVIEW STATUS attention review number correct & resubmit approved as noted number of items to be corrected approved DRAWINGS Not later than : 1.Hard copy of the entire approved plan set to the address above. 2.A digital copy of the entire approved plan set as a multi-page PDF to admin@frederickwater.com EASEMENTS Y N A copy of the recorded onsite FW easement(s) is/are required. Y N A copy of the recorded offsite FW easement(s) is/are required. OTHER o The easement document shall contain a plat and both shall be signed by the Frederick Water. o The Frederick Water requires specific language in its deed of easement. o Visit our website www.frederickwater.com to obtain a copy of the form. o A copy of the recorded deed(s) of easement is required before work is to begin on offsite property. Y N This project also requires DEQ - Valley Region Office approval. Y N This project also requires VDH – Culpeper Field Office approval. Y N This project also requires VDH – Culpeper Field Office – Project Summary Report. BY DATE FOR DRAWINGS ABOVE, see website for form Y N This project has a sewer pump station that FW will own. Title to the pump station site shall be granted to the Frederick Water in fee simple absolute. Also, (1) a copy of DEQ’s Certificate to Construct, (2) a copy of DEQ’s Certificate to Operate, and (3) two copies of the FW approved O & M manual are required. These documents must be received before service will be authorized. Work cannot commence that would connect to FW facilities or require FW inspections until the contract, as applicable and sent to owner under separate cover, is returned to this office. Date: October 18, 2023 Earl W. Wiley – Engineering Assistant RReset RRf