59-22 Approval LetterCOUNTY of FREDERICK
Department of Planning and Development
540/ 665-5651
Fax: 540/ 665-6395
107 North Kent Street, Suite 202 • Winchester, Virginia 22601-5000
November 29, 2023
Ronald Mislowsky (via email: rmislowsky@pennoni.com)
117 East Piccadilly Street
Winchester, Virginia 22601
Re: Approval for Site Plan #59-22 – Sheetz, Middletown
Property Identification Number (PIN): 91-2-A
Dear Ron:
The above-referenced site plan was approved on November 29, 2023. The site plan is approved
for a 6,879 square foot convenience store, with 20 truck-fueling and 16 car-fueling stations, in
the B2 (General Business) Zoning District located in the Opequon Magisterial District.
All requirements of the Frederick County Zoning Ordinance have been met in the approved
site plan. Attached are five (5) hard copies of the signed site plan by the Zoning Administrator.
Please forward these copies to the appropriate representative(s). Furthermore, advise the
owner(s) that a copy should be kept for future reference, and an approved copy must be kept
on the construction site throughout the development process. Further, once site development is
complete, the owner(s) should contact this office to schedule an on-site inspection. Do not
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Amy Feltner
cc: Robert W. Wells, Opequon Board of Supervisors
Roger L. Thomas & Robbie Molden, Opequon Planning Commissioners
Debra Bonarti, Real Estate
Mark Fleet, Frederick County Building Inspections (email only)
Adam Hounshell, Frederick County Fire & Rescue (email only)
TCG Management, 847 Lake Saint Clair Drive, Winchester, VA 22603